Source code for mrcz.ioMRC

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals
Conventional MRC2014 and on-the-fly compressed MRCZ file interface

CCPEM MRC2014 specification:

IMOD specification:


Tested output on: Gatan GMS, IMOD, Chimera, Relion, MotionCorr, UnBlur

import os, os.path, sys
import numpy as np
import threading
import struct
from enum import Enum

    from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
except ImportError as e:
    if sys.version_info > (3,0):
        raise ImportError('Get the backport for `concurrent.futures` for Py2.7 as `pip install futures`')
    raise e
from mrcz.__version__ import __version__
from distutils.version import StrictVersion

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('MRCZ')
    import blosc
    # For async operations we want to release the GIL in blosc operations and 
    # file IO operations.
    DEFAULT_N_THREADS = blosc.detect_number_of_cores()
except ImportError: 
    # Can be ImportError or ModuleNotFoundError depending on the Python version,
    # but ModuleNotFoundError is a child of ImportError and is still caught.
    BLOSC_PRESENT = False'`blosc` meta-compression library not found, file compression disabled.')
    import rapidjson as json
except ImportError:
    import json'`python-rapidjson` not found, using builtin `json` instead.')

def _defaultMetaSerialize(value):
    Is called by `json.dumps()` whenever it encounters an object it does 
    not know how to serialize. Currently handles:

    1. Any object with a `serialize()` method, which is assumed to be a helper
    1. `numpy` scalars as well as `ndarray`
    2. Python `Enum` objects which are serialized as strings in the form 
       ``'Enum.{object.__class__.__name__}.{}'``. E.g. ``'Enum.Axis.X'``.
    if hasattr(value, 'serialize'):
        return value.serialize()
    elif hasattr(value, '__array_interface__'):
        # Checking for '__array_interface__' also sanitizes numpy scalars
        # like np.float32 or np.int32
        return value.tolist()
    elif isinstance(value, Enum):
        return 'Enum.{}.{}'.format(value.__class__.__name__,
        raise TypeError('Unhandled type for JSON serialization: {}'.format(type(value)))

# Do we also want to convert long lists to np.ndarrays?

# Buffer for file I/O
# Quite arbitrary, in bytes (hand-optimized)

# ENUM dicts for our various Python to MRC constant conversions
COMPRESSOR_ENUM = {0:None, 1:'blosclz', 2:'lz4', 3:'lz4hc', 4:'snappy', 5:'zlib', 6:'zstd'}
REVERSE_COMPRESSOR_ENUM = {None:0, 'blosclz':1, 'lz4':2, 'lz4hc':2, 'snappy':4, 'zlib':5, 'zstd':6}

CCPEM_ENUM = {0: 'i1', 1:'i2', 2:'f4', 4:'c8', 6:'u2', 7:'i4', 8:'u4', 101:'u1'}
EMAN2_ENUM = {1: 'i1', 2:'u1', 3:'i2', 4:'u2', 5:'i4', 6:'u4', 7:'f4'}
REVERSE_CCPEM_ENUM = {'int8':0, 'i1':0, 
                      'int16':1, 'i2':1,
                      'uint16':6, 'u2':6,
                      'int32':7, 'i4':7,
                      'uint32': 8, 'u4':8,
                      'float64':2, 'f8':2, 'float32':2, 'f4':2,
                      'complex128':4, 'c16':4, 'complex64':4, 'c8':4}

# Executor for writing compressed blocks to disk
_asyncWriter = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = 1)
# Executor for calls to asyncReadMRC and asyncWriteMRC
_asyncExecutor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = 1)
def _setAsyncWorkers(N_workers):
    **This function is protected as there appears to be little value in using more 
    than one worker. It may be subject to removal in the future.**

    Sets the maximum number of background workers that can be used for reading 
    or writing with the functions.  Defaults to 1. Generally when writing 
    to hard drives use 1 worker. For random-access drives there may be 
    advantages to using multiple workers.
    Some test results, 30 files, each 10 x 2048 x 2048 x float-32, on a CPU
    with 4 physical cores:

        HD, 1 worker:   42.0 s
        HD, 2 workers:  50.0 s
        HD, 4 workers:  50.4 s
        SSD, 1 worker:  12.6 s
        SSD, 2 workers: 11.6 s
        SSD, 4 workers:  8.9 s
        SSD, 8 workers: 16.9 s

    N_workers: int
        The number of threads for asynchronous reading and writing to disk
    if N_workers <= 0:
        raise ValueError('N_workers must be greater than 0')
    if _asyncExecutor._max_workers == N_workers:
    _asyncExecutor._max_workers = N_workers

def setDefaultThreads(n_threads):
    Set the default number of threads, if the argument is not provided in 
    calls to `readMRC` and `writeMRC`.

    Generally optimal thread count is the number of physical cores, but 
    blosc defaults to the number of virtual cores. Therefore on machines with 
    hyperthreading it can be more efficient to manually set this value
    DEFAULT_N_THREADS = int(n_threads)

def defaultHeader():
    Generator function to create a metadata header dictionary with the relevant

        a default MRC header dictionary with all fields with default values.
    header = {}
    header['fileConvention'] = 'ccpem'
    header['endian'] = 'le'
    header['MRCtype'] = 0
    header['dimensions'] = np.array( [0,0,0], dtype=int )
    header['dtype'] = 'u1'
    header['compressor'] = None
    header['packedBytes'] = 0
    header['clevel'] = 1
    header['maxImage'] = 1.0
    header['minImage'] = 0.0
    header['meanImage'] = 0.0
    header['pixelsize'] = 0.1 
    header['pixelunits'] = u'nm' # Can be '\\AA' for Angstroms
    header['voltage'] = 300.0 # kV
    header['C3'] = 2.7 # mm
    header['gain'] = 1.0 # counts/electron
        header['n_threads'] = DEFAULT_N_THREADS
    return header

def _getMRCZVersion(label):
    Checks to see if the first label holds the MRCZ version information, 
    in which case it returns a version object. Generally used to recover nicely
    in case of backward compatibility problems.

    label: Union[str, bytes]

    version: Optional[distutils.version.StrictVersion]
        areturns ``None`` if `label` cannot be parsed.
    if isinstance(label, bytes):
        label = label.decode()

    label = label.rstrip(' \t\r\n\0')
    if not label.startswith('MRCZ'):
        return None

    label = label[4:]
        version = StrictVersion(label)
        return version
    except ValueError:
        return None
[docs]def readMRC(MRCfilename, idx=None, endian='le', pixelunits=u'\\AA', fileConvention='ccpem', useMemmap=False, n_threads=None, slices=None): ''' Imports an MRC/Z file as a NumPy array and a meta-data dict. Parameters ---------- image: numpy.ndarray a 1-3 dimension ``numpy.ndarray`` with one of the supported data types in ``mrcz.REVERSE_CCPEM_ENUM`` meta: dict a ``dict`` with various fields relating to the MRC header information. Can also hold arbitrary meta-data, but the use of large numerical data is not recommended as it is encoded as text via JSON. idx: Tuple[int] Index tuple ``(first, last)`` where first (inclusive) and last (not inclusive) indices of images to be read from the stack. Index of first image is 0. Negative indices can be used to count backwards. A singleton integer can be provided to read only one image. If omitted, will read whole file. Compression is currently not supported with this option. pixelunits: str can be ``'AA' (Angstoms), 'nm', '\mum', or 'pm'``. Internally pixel sizes are always encoded in Angstroms in the MRC file. fileConvention: str can be ``'ccpem'`` (equivalent to IMOD) or ``'eman2'``, which is only partially supported at present. endian: str can be big-endian as ``'be'`` or little-endian as ``'le'``. Defaults to `'le'` as the vast majority of modern computers are little-endian. n_threads: int is the number of threads to use for decompression, defaults to use all virtual cores. useMemmap: bool = True returns a ``numpy.memmap`` instead of a ``numpy.ndarray``. Not recommended as it will not work with compression. slices: Optional[int] = None Reflects the number of slices per frame. For example, in time-series with multi-channel STEM, would be ``4`` for a 4-quadrant detector. Data is always written contiguously in MRC, but will be returned as a list of ``[slices, *shape]``-shaped arrays. The default option ``None`` will check for a ``'slices'`` field in the meta-data and use that, otherwise it defaults to ``0`` which is one 3D array. Returns ------- image: Union[list[numpy.ndarray], numpy.ndarray] If ``slices == 0`` then a monolithic array is returned, else a ``list`` of ``[slices, *shape]``-shaped arrays. meta: dict the stored meta-data in a dictionary. Note that arrays are generally returned as lists due to the JSON serialization. Example ------- [image, meta] = readMRC(MRCfilename, idx=None, pixelunits=u'\\AA', useMemmap=False, n_threads=None) ''' with open(MRCfilename, 'rb', buffering=BUFFERSIZE) as f: # Read in header as a dict header, slices = readMRCHeader(MRCfilename, slices, endian=endian, fileConvention = fileConvention, pixelunits=pixelunits) # Support for compressed data in MRCZ if ( (header['compressor'] in REVERSE_COMPRESSOR_ENUM) and (REVERSE_COMPRESSOR_ENUM[header['compressor']] > 0) and idx == None ): return __MRCZImport(f, header, slices, endian=endian, fileConvention=fileConvention, n_threads=n_threads) # Else load as uncompressed MRC file if idx != None: # If specific images were requested: # TO DO: add support to read all images within a range at once if header['compressor'] != None: raise RuntimeError('Reading from arbitrary positions not supported for compressed files. Compressor = %s'%header['compressor']) if np.isscalar( idx ): indices = np.array([idx, idx], dtype='int') else: indices = np.array(idx, dtype='int') # Convert to old way: idx = indices[0] n = indices[1] - indices[0] + 1 if idx < 0: # Convert negative index to equivalent positive index: idx = header['dimensions'][0] + idx # Just check if the desired image is within the stack range: if idx < 0 or idx >= header['dimensions'][0]: raise ValueError('Error: image or slice index out of range. idx = %d, z_dimension = %d'%(idx, header['dimensions'][0])) elif idx + n > header['dimensions'][0]: raise ValueError('Error: image or slice index out of range. idx + n = %d, z_dimension = %d'%(idx + n, header['dimensions'][0])) elif n < 1: raise ValueError('Error: n must be >= 1. n = %d'%n) else: # We adjust the dimensions of the returned image in the header: header['dimensions'][0] = n # This offset will be applied to offset = idx * np.product(header['dimensions'][1:])*np.dtype(header['dtype']).itemsize else: offset = 0 + header['extendedBytes'] + offset) if bool(useMemmap): image = np.memmap(f, dtype=header['dtype'], mode='c', shape=tuple(dim for dim in header['dimensions'])) else: # Load entire file into memory dims = header['dimensions'] if slices > 0: # List of NumPy 2D-arrays frame_size = slices * np.product(dims[1:]) n_frames = dims[0] // slices dtype = header['dtype'] # np.fromfile advances the file pointer `f` for us. image = [] for I in range(n_frames): buffer = np.fromfile(f, dtype=dtype, count=frame_size) buffer = buffer.reshape((slices, dims[1], dims[2])).squeeze() image.append(buffer) else: # monolithic NumPy ndarray image = np.fromfile(f, dtype=header['dtype'], count=np.product(dims)) if header['MRCtype'] == 101: # Seems the 4-bit is interlaced ... interlaced_image = image image = np.empty(np.product(dims), dtype=header['dtype']) image[0::2] = np.left_shift(interlaced_image,4) / 15 image[1::2] = np.right_shift(interlaced_image,4) image = np.squeeze(image.reshape(dims)) return image, header
def __MRCZImport(f, header, slices, endian='le', fileConvention='ccpem', returnHeader=False, n_threads=None): ''' Equivalent to MRCImport, but for compressed data using the blosc library. The following compressors are recommended: [``'zlib'``, ``'zstd'``, ``'lz4'``] Memory mapping is not possible in this case at present. Possibly support can be added for memory mapping with `c-blosc2`. ''' if not BLOSC_PRESENT: raise ImportError( '`blosc` is not installed, cannot decompress file.' ) if n_threads == None: blosc.nthreads = DEFAULT_N_THREADS else: blosc.nthreads = n_threads dims = header['dimensions'] dtype = header['dtype'] if slices > 0: image = [] n_frames = dims[0] // slices else: image = np.empty(dims, dtype=dtype) n_frames = dims[0] if slices > 1: target_shape = (slices, dims[1], dims[2]) else: target_shape = (dims[1], dims[2]) # target_shape = (dims[1], dims[2]) blosc_chunk_pos = DEFAULT_HEADER_LEN + header['extendedBytes'] # NOTE: each channel of each frame is separately compressed by blosc, # so that if slices is not what was originally input, each slice can # be decompressed individually. if slices == 1: # List of 2D frames for J in range(n_frames): ((nbytes, blockSize, ctbytes), (ver_info)) = readBloscHeader(f) image.append(np.frombuffer( blosc.decompress(, dtype=dtype).reshape(target_shape)) blosc_chunk_pos += (ctbytes) elif slices > 1: # List of 3D frames for J in range(n_frames): frame = np.empty(target_shape, dtype=dtype) for I in range(slices): ((nbytes, blockSize, ctbytes), (ver_info)) = readBloscHeader(f) frame[I,:,:] = np.frombuffer( blosc.decompress(, dtype=dtype).reshape(target_shape[1:]) blosc_chunk_pos += (ctbytes) image.append(frame) else: # Monolithic frame for J in range(n_frames): ((nbytes, blockSize, ctbytes), (ver_info)) = readBloscHeader(f) image[J,:,:] = np.frombuffer( blosc.decompress(, dtype=dtype).reshape(target_shape) blosc_chunk_pos += (ctbytes) if header['MRCtype'] == 101: # Seems the 4-bit is interlaced if slices > 0: raise NotImplementedError('MRC type 101 (uint4) not supported with return as `list`') interlaced_image = image image = np.empty(np.product(header['dimensions']), dtype=dtype) # Bit-shift and Bit-and to seperate decimated pixels image[0::2] = np.left_shift(interlaced_image, 4) / 15 image[1::2] = np.right_shift(interlaced_image, 4) if not slices > 0: image = np.squeeze(image) return image, header def readBloscHeader(filehandle): ''' Reads in the 16 byte header file from a blosc chunk. Blosc header format for each chunk is as follows:: |-0-|-1-|-2-|-3-|-4-|-5-|-6-|-7-|-8-|-9-|-A-|-B-|-C-|-D-|-E-|-F-| ^ ^ ^ ^ | nbytes | blocksize | ctbytes | | | | | | | | +--typesize | | +------flags | +----------versionlz +--------------version ''' [version, versionlz, flags, typesize] = np.fromfile(filehandle, dtype='uint8', count=4) [nbytes, blocksize, ctbytes] = np.fromfile(filehandle, dtype='uint32', count=3) return ([nbytes, blocksize, ctbytes], [version, versionlz, flags, typesize]) def readMRCHeader(MRCfilename, slices=None, endian='le', fileConvention = 'ccpem', pixelunits=u'\\AA'): ''' Reads in the first 1024 bytes from an MRC file and parses it into a Python dictionary, yielding header information. This function is not intended to be called by the user under typical usage. Parameters ---------- As per `readMRC` Returns ------- header: dict All found meta-data in the header and extended header packaged into a dictionary. ''' if endian == 'le': endchar = '<' else: endchar = '>' dtype_i4 = np.dtype(endchar + 'i4') dtype_f4 = np.dtype(endchar + 'f4') header = {} with open(MRCfilename, 'rb') as f: # Grab version information early mrcz_version = _getMRCZVersion( # diagStr = '' # Get dimensions, in format [nz, ny, nx] (stored as [nx,ny,nz] in the file) header['dimensions'] = np.flipud(np.fromfile(f, dtype=dtype_i4, count=3)) header['MRCtype'] = int(np.fromfile(f, dtype=dtype_i4, count=1)[0]) # Hack to fix lack of standard endian indication in the file header if header['MRCtype'] > 16000000: # Endianess found to be backward header['MRCtype'] = int(np.asarray(header['MRCtype']).byteswap()[0]) header['dimensions'] = header['dimensions'].byteswap() if endchar == '<': endchar = '>' else: endchar = '<' dtype_i4 = np.dtype(endchar + 'i4') dtype_f4 = np.dtype(endchar + 'f4') # Extract compressor from dtype > MRC_COMP_RATIO header['compressor'] = COMPRESSOR_ENUM[np.floor_divide(header['MRCtype'], MRC_COMP_RATIO)] header['MRCtype'] = np.mod(header['MRCtype'], MRC_COMP_RATIO) logger.debug('compressor: %s, MRCtype: %s' % (str(header['compressor']),str(header['MRCtype']))) fileConvention = fileConvention.lower() if fileConvention == 'eman2': try: header['dtype'] = EMAN2_ENUM[header['MRCtype']] except: raise ValueError('Error: unrecognized EMAN2-MRC data type = ' + str(header['MRCtype'])) elif fileConvention == 'ccpem': # Default is CCPEM try: header['dtype'] = CCPEM_ENUM[header['MRCtype']] except: raise ValueError('Error: unrecognized CCPEM-MRC data type = ' + str(header['MRCtype'])) else: raise ValueError('Error: unrecognized MRC file convention: {}'.format(fileConvention)) # Apply endian-ness to NumPy dtype header['dtype'] = endchar + header['dtype'] # slices is z-axis per frame for list-of-arrays representation if slices is None: # We had a bug in version <= 0.4.1 where we wrote the dimensions # into both (Nx, Ny, Nz) AND (Mx, My, Mz), therefore the slicing # is essentially unknown (and wrong). So we have this version # check where we force slices to be 1 (i.e. we assume it is a # stack of 2D images). if mrcz_version is not None and mrcz_version < StrictVersion('0.5.0'): logger.warning('MRCZ version < 0.5.0 for file {}, assuming slices == 1.'.format(MRCfilename)) slices = 1 else: slices = int(np.fromfile(f, dtype=dtype_i4, count=1)) # Read in pixelsize cellsize = np.fromfile(f, dtype=dtype_f4, count=3) header['pixelsize'] = np.flipud( cellsize ) / header['dimensions'] # MRC is Angstroms by convention header['pixelunits'] = pixelunits # '\AA' will eventually be deprecated, please cease using it. if header['pixelunits'] == u'\\AA' or header['pixelunits'] == u'\AA': pass elif header['pixelunits'] == u'\mum': header['pixelsize'] *= 1E-5 elif header['pixelunits'] == u'pm': header['pixelsize'] *= 100.0 else: # Default to nm header['pixelsize'] *= 0.1 # Read in [X,Y,Z] array ordering # Currently I don't use this # # axesTranpose = np.fromfile( f, dtype=endchar + 'i4', count=3 ) - 1 # Read in statistics header['minImage'], header['maxImage'], header['meanImage'] = np.fromfile(f, dtype=dtype_f4, count=3) # Size of meta-data header['extendedBytes'] = int(np.fromfile(f, dtype=dtype_i4, count=1)) if header['extendedBytes'] > 0: header['metaId'] = # Read in kV, C3, and gain microscope_state = np.fromfile(f, dtype=dtype_f4, count=3) header['voltage'] = float(microscope_state[0]) header['C3'] = float(microscope_state[1]) header['gain'] = float(microscope_state[2]) # Read in size of packed data # Have to convert to Python int to avoid index warning. header['packedBytes'] = struct.unpack('q', # Now read in JSON meta-data if present if 'metaId' in header and header['metaId'] == b'json': meta = json.loads(['extendedBytes'] ).decode('utf-8')) for key, value in meta.items(): if key not in header: header[key] = value return header, slices
[docs]def writeMRC(input_image, MRCfilename, meta=None, endian='le', dtype=None, pixelsize=[0.1,0.1,0.1], pixelunits=u'\\AA', shape=None, voltage=0.0, C3=0.0, gain=1.0, compressor=None, clevel=1, n_threads=None, quickStats=True, idx=None): ''' Write a conventional MRC file, or a compressed MRCZ file to disk. If compressor is ``None``, then backwards compatibility with other MRC libraries should be preserved. Other libraries will not, however, recognize the JSON extended meta-data. Parameters ---------- input_image: Union[numpy.ndarray, list[numpy.ndarray]] The image data to write, should be a 1-3 dimension ``numpy.ndarray`` or a list of 2-dimensional ``numpy.ndarray``s. meta: dict will be serialized by JSON and written into the extended header. Note that ``rapidjson`` (the default) or ``json`` (the fallback) cannot serialize all Python objects, so sanitizing ``meta`` to remove non-standard library data structures is advisable, including ``numpy.ndarray`` values. dtype: Union[numpy.dtype, str] will cast the data before writing it. pixelsize: Tuple[x,y,z] is [z,y,x] pixel size (singleton values are ok for square/cubic pixels) pixelunits: str = u'\\AA' one of - ``'\\AA'`` for Angstroms - ``'pm'`` for picometers - ``'\mum'`` for micrometers - ``'nm'`` for nanometers. MRC standard is always Angstroms, so pixelsize is converted internally from nm to Angstroms as needed. shape: Optional[Tuple[int]] is only used if you want to later append to the file, such as merging together Relion particles for Frealign. Not recommended and only present for legacy reasons. voltage: float = 300.0 accelerating potential in keV C3: float = 2.7 spherical aberration in mm gain: float = 1.0 detector gain in units (counts/primary electron) compressor: str = None is a choice of ``None, 'lz4', 'zlib', 'zstd'``, plus ``'blosclz'``, ``'lz4hc'`` - ``'lz4'`` is generally the fastest. - ``'zstd'`` generally gives the best compression performance, and is still almost as fast as 'lz4' with ``clevel == 1``. clevel: int = 1 the compression level, 1 is fastest, 9 is slowest. The compression ratio will rise slowly with clevel (but not as fast as the write time slows down). n_threads: int = None number of threads to use for blosc compression. Defaults to number of virtual cores if ``== None``. quickStats: bool = True estimates the image mean, min, max from the first frame only, which saves computational time for image stacks. Generally strongly advised to be ``True``. idx can be used to write an image or set of images starting at a specific position in the MRC file (which may already exist). Index of first image is 0. A negative index can be used to count backwards. If omitted, will write whole stack to file. If writing to an existing file, compression or extended MRC2014 headers are currently not supported with this option. Returns ------- ``None`` Warning ------- MRC definitions are not consistent. Generally we support the CCPEM2014 schema as much as possible. ''' if not BLOSC_PRESENT and compressor is not None: raise ImportError('`blosc` is not installed, cannot use file compression.') # For dask, we don't want to import dask, but we can still work-around how to # check its type without isinstance() image_type = type(input_image) if image_type.__module__ == 'dask.array.core' and image_type.__name__ == 'Array': # Ideally it would be faster to iterate over the chunks and pass each one # to blosc but that likely requires c-blosc2 input_image = input_image.__array__() dims = input_image.shape slices = 0 global WARNED_ABOUT_CASTING_F64, WARNED_ABOUT_CASTING_C128 if isinstance(input_image, (tuple,list)): shape = input_image[0].shape ndim = input_image[0].ndim if ndim == 3: slices = shape[0] shape = shape[1:] elif ndim == 2: slices = 1 else: raise ValueError('For a sequence of arrays, only 2D or 3D arrays are handled.') dims = np.array([len(input_image)*slices, shape[0], shape[1]]) # Verify that each image in the list is the same 2D shape and dtype first_shape = input_image[0].shape first_dtype = input_image[0].dtype # Cast float64 -> float32, and complex128 -> complex64 for J, z_slice in enumerate(input_image): assert(np.all(z_slice.shape == first_shape)) if z_slice.dtype == np.float64 or z_slice.dtype == float: if not WARNED_ABOUT_CASTING_F64: logger.warn('Casting {} to `numpy.float32`, further warnings will be suppressed.'.format(MRCfilename)) WARNED_ABOUT_CASTING_F64 = True input_image[J] = z_slice.astype(np.float32) elif z_slice.dtype == np.complex128: if not WARNED_ABOUT_CASTING_C128: logger.warn('Casting {} to `numpy.complex64`, further warnings will be suppressed.'.format(MRCfilename)) WARNED_ABOUT_CASTING_C128 = True input_image[J] = z_slice.astype(np.complex64) else: assert(z_slice.dtype == input_image[0].dtype) else: # Array-'like' object dims = input_image.shape if input_image.ndim == 2: # If it's a 2D image we force it to 3D - this makes life easier later: input_image = input_image.reshape((1, input_image.shape[0], input_image.shape[1])) # Cast float64 -> float32, and complex128 -> complex64 if input_image.dtype == np.float64 or input_image.dtype == float: if not WARNED_ABOUT_CASTING_F64: logger.warn('Casting {} to `numpy.float64`'.format(MRCfilename)) WARNED_ABOUT_CASTING_F64 = True input_image = input_image.astype(np.float32) elif input_image.dtype == np.complex128: if not WARNED_ABOUT_CASTING_C128: logger.warn('Casting {} to `numpy.complex64`'.format(MRCfilename)) WARNED_ABOUT_CASTING_C128 = True input_image = input_image.astype(np.complex64) # We will need this regardless if writing to an existing file or not: if endian == 'le': endchar = '<' else: endchar = '>' # We now check if we have to create a new header (i.e. new file) or not. If # the file exists, but idx is 'None', it will be replaced by a new file # with new header anyway: if os.path.isfile(MRCfilename): if idx == None: idxnewfile = True else: idxnewfile = False else: idxnewfile = True if idxnewfile: if dtype == 'uint4' and compressor != None: raise TypeError('uint4 packing is not compatible with compression, use int8 datatype.') header = {'meta': meta} if dtype == None: if slices > 0: header['dtype'] = endchar + input_image[0].dtype.descr[0][1].strip('<>|') else: header['dtype'] = endchar + input_image.dtype.descr[0][1].strip('<>|') else: header['dtype'] = dtype # Now we need to filter dtype to make sure it's actually acceptable to MRC if not header['dtype'].strip('<>|') in REVERSE_CCPEM_ENUM: raise TypeError('ioMRC.MRCExport: Unsupported dtype cast for MRC %s' % header['dtype']) header['dimensions'] = dims header['pixelsize'] = pixelsize header['pixelunits'] = pixelunits header['shape'] = shape # This overhead calculation is annoying but many 3rd party tools that use # MRC require these statistical parameters. if bool(quickStats): if slices > 0: first_image = input_image[0] else: first_image = input_image[0,:,:] imMin = first_image.real.min(); imMax = first_image.real.max() header['maxImage'] = imMax header['minImage'] = imMin header['meanImage'] = 0.5*(imMax + imMin) else: if slices > 0: header['maxImage'] = np.max( [z_slice.real.max() for z_slice in input_image] ) header['minImage'] = np.min( [z_slice.real.min() for z_slice in input_image] ) header['meanImage'] = np.mean( [z_slice.real.mean() for z_slice in input_image] ) else: header['maxImage'] = input_image.real.max() header['minImage'] = input_image.real.min() header['meanImage'] = input_image.real.mean() header['voltage'] = voltage if not bool( header['voltage'] ): header['voltage'] = 0.0 header['C3'] = C3 if not bool( header['C3'] ): header['C3'] = 0.0 header['gain'] = gain if not bool( header['gain'] ): header['gain'] = 1.0 header['compressor'] = compressor header['clevel'] = clevel if n_threads == None and BLOSC_PRESENT: n_threads = DEFAULT_N_THREADS header['n_threads'] = n_threads if dtype == 'uint4': if slices > 0: raise NotImplementedError('Saving of lists of arrays not supported for `dtype=uint4`') # Decimate to packed 4-bit input_image = input_image.astype('uint8') input_image = input_image[:,:,::2] + np.left_shift(input_image[:,:,1::2],4) else: # We are going to append to an already existing file: # So we try to figure out its header with 'CCPEM' or 'eman2' file conventions: try: header, slices = readMRCHeader(MRCfilename, slices=None, endian=endian, fileConvention='CCPEM', pixelunits=pixelunits) except ValueError: try: header, slices = readMRCHeader(MRCfilename, slices=None, endian=endian, fileConvention='eman2', pixelunits=pixelunits) except ValueError: # If neither 'CCPEM' nor 'eman2' formats satisfy: raise ValueError('Error: unrecognized MRC type for file: %s ' % MRCfilename) # If the file already exists, its X,Y dimensions must be consistent with the current image to be written: if np.any( header['dimensions'][1:] != input_image.shape[1:]): raise ValueError('Error: x,y dimensions of image do not match that of MRC file: %s ' % MRCfilename) # TO DO: check also consistency of dtype? if 'meta' not in header.keys(): header['meta'] = meta # Now that we have a proper header, we go into the details of writing to a specific position: if idx != None: if header['compressor'] != None: raise RuntimeError('Writing at arbitrary positions not supported for compressed files. Compressor = %s' % header['compressor']) idx = int(idx) # Force 2D to 3D dimensions: if len( header['dimensions'] ) == 2: header['dimensions'] = np.array([1, header['dimensions'][0], header['dimensions'][1]]) # Convert negative index to equivalent positive index: if idx < 0: idx = header['dimensions'][0] + idx # Just check if the desired image is within the stack range: # In principle we could write to a position beyond the limits of the file (missing slots would be filled with zeros), but let's avoid that the user writes a big file with zeros by mistake. So only positions within or immediately consecutive to the stack are allowed: if idx < 0 or idx > header['dimensions'][0]: raise ValueError( 'Error: image or slice index out of range. idx = %d, z_dimension = %d' % (idx, header['dimensions'][0]) ) # The new Z dimension may be larger than that of the existing file, or even of the new file, if an index larger than the current stack is specified: newZ = idx + input_image.shape[0] if newZ > header['dimensions'][0]: header['dimensions'] = np.array([idx + input_image.shape[0], header['dimensions'][1], header['dimensions'][2]]) # This offset will be applied to offset = idx * np.product(header['dimensions'][1:]) * np.dtype(header['dtype']).itemsize else: offset = 0 __MRCExport(input_image, header, MRCfilename, slices, endchar=endchar, offset=offset, idxnewfile=idxnewfile)
def __MRCExport(input_image, header, MRCfilename, slices, endchar='<', offset=0, idxnewfile=True): ''' MRCExport private interface with a dictionary rather than a mess of function arguments. ''' if idxnewfile: # If forcing a new file we truncate it even if it already exists: fmode = 'wb' else: # Otherwise we'll just update its header and append images as required: fmode = 'rb+' with open(MRCfilename, fmode, buffering=BUFFERSIZE) as f: extendedBytes = writeMRCHeader(f, header, slices, endchar=endchar) + extendedBytes + offset) dtype = header['dtype'] if ('compressor' in header) \ and (header['compressor'] in REVERSE_COMPRESSOR_ENUM) \ and (REVERSE_COMPRESSOR_ENUM[header['compressor']]) > 0: # compressed MRCZ logger.debug('Compressing %s with compressor %s%d' % (MRCfilename, header['compressor'], header['clevel'])) applyCast = False if slices > 0: chunkSize = input_image[0].size typeSize = input_image[0].dtype.itemsize if dtype != 'uint4' and input_image[0].dtype != dtype: applyCast = True else: chunkSize = input_image[0,:,:].size typeSize = input_image.dtype.itemsize if dtype != 'uint4' and input_image.dtype != dtype: applyCast = True blosc.set_nthreads(header['n_threads']) # for small image dimensions we need to scale blocksize appropriately # so we use the available cores block_size = np.minimum(BLOSC_BLOCK, chunkSize//header['n_threads']) blosc.set_blocksize(block_size) header['packedBytes'] = 0 clevel = header['clevel'] cname = header['compressor'] # For 3D frames in lists, we need to further sub-divide each frame # into slices so that each channel is compressed seperately by # blosc. if slices > 1: deep_image = input_image # grab a reference input_image = [] for frame in deep_image: for I in range(slices): input_image.append(frame[I,:,:]) for J, frame in enumerate(input_image): if applyCast: frame = frame.astype(dtype) if frame.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] and frame.flags['ALIGNED']: # Use pointer compressedData = blosc.compress_ptr(frame.__array_interface__['data'][0], frame.size, typeSize, clevel=header['clevel'], shuffle=blosc.BITSHUFFLE, cname=header['compressor']) else: # Use tobytes, which is slower in benchmarking compressedData = blosc.compress(frame.tobytes(), typeSize, clevel=clevel, shuffle=blosc.BITSHUFFLE, cname=cname) f.write(compressedData) header['packedBytes'] += len(compressedData) # Rewind and write out the total compressed size np.int64(header['packedBytes']).astype(endchar + 'i8').tofile(f) else: # vanilla MRC if slices > 0: if dtype != 'uint4' and dtype != input_image[0].dtype: for z_slice in input_image: z_slice.astype(dtype).tofile(f) else: for z_slice in input_image: z_slice.tofile(f) else: if dtype != 'uint4' and dtype != input_image.dtype: input_image = input_image.astype(dtype) input_image.tofile(f) return def writeMRCHeader(f, header, slices, endchar='<'): ''' Parameters ---------- Writes a header to the file-like object ``f``, requires a dict called ``header`` to parse the appropriate fields. Returns ------- ``None`` Note ---- Use `defaultHeader()` to retrieve an example with all potential fields. ''' dtype_f4 = endchar + 'f4' dtype_i4 = endchar + 'i4' # Write dimensions if len(header['dimensions']) == 2: # force to 3-D dimensions = np.array([1, header['dimensions'][0], header['dimensions'][1]]) else: dimensions = np.array(header['dimensions']) # Flip to Fortran order dimensions = np.flipud(dimensions) dimensions.astype(dtype_i4).tofile(f) # 64-bit floats are automatically down-cast dtype = header['dtype'].lower().strip( '<>|' ) try: MRCmode = np.int32(REVERSE_CCPEM_ENUM[dtype]).astype(endchar + 'i4') except: raise ValueError('Warning: Unknown dtype for MRC encountered = ' + str(dtype)) # Add 1000 * COMPRESSOR_ENUM to the dtype for compressed data if ('compressor' in header and header['compressor'] in REVERSE_COMPRESSOR_ENUM and REVERSE_COMPRESSOR_ENUM[header['compressor']] > 0): header['compressor'] = header['compressor'].lower() MRCmode += MRC_COMP_RATIO * REVERSE_COMPRESSOR_ENUM[header['compressor']] # How many bytes in an MRCZ file, so that the file can be appended-to. try: np.int32( header['packedBytes'] ).astype(endchar + 'i8').tofile(f) except: # This is written afterward so we don't try to keep the entire compressed file in RAM pass MRCmode.tofile(f) # Print NXSTART, NYSTART, NZSTART np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=dtype_i4).tofile(f) # Print MX, MY, MZ, the sampling. We only allow for slicing along the z-axis, # e.g. for multi-channel STEM. np.int32(slices).astype(dtype_i4).tofile(f) # Print cellsize = pixelsize * dimensions # '\AA' will eventually be deprecated (probably in Python 3.7/8), please cease using it. if header['pixelunits'] == '\\AA' or header['pixelunits'] == '\AA': AApixelsize = np.array(header['pixelsize']) elif header['pixelunits'] == '\mum': AApixelsize = np.array(header['pixelsize'])*10000.0 elif header['pixelunits'] == 'pm': AApixelsize = np.array(header['pixelsize'])/100.0 else: # Default is nm AApixelsize = np.array(header['pixelsize'])*10.0 # The above AApixelsize insures we cannot have an array of len=1 here if isinstance( AApixelsize, np.ndarray ) and AApixelsize.size == 1: cellsize = np.array([AApixelsize,AApixelsize,AApixelsize]) * dimensions elif not isinstance( AApixelsize, (list,tuple,np.ndarray) ): cellsize = np.array([AApixelsize,AApixelsize,AApixelsize]) * dimensions elif len(AApixelsize) == 2: # Default to z-axis pixelsize of 10.0 Angstroms cellsize = np.flipud(np.array( [10.0, AApixelsize[0], AApixelsize[1]])) * dimensions else: cellsize = np.flipud(np.array( AApixelsize )) * dimensions np.array(cellsize, dtype=dtype_f4).tofile(f) # Print default cell angles np.array([90.0,90.0,90.0], dtype=dtype_f4).tofile(f) # Print axis associations (we use C ordering internally in all Python code) np.array([1,2,3], dtype=dtype_i4).tofile(f) # Print statistics (if available) if 'minImage' in header: np.float32(header['minImage']).astype(dtype_f4).tofile(f) else: np.float32(0.0).astype(dtype_f4).tofile(f) if 'maxImage' in header: np.float32(header['maxImage']).astype(dtype_f4).tofile(f) else: np.float32(1.0).astype(dtype_f4).tofile(f) if 'meanImage' in header: np.float32(header['meanImage']).astype(dtype_f4).tofile(f) else: np.float32(0.0).astype(dtype_f4).tofile(f) # We'll put the compressor info and number of compressed bytes in 132-204 # and new metadata # RESERVED: 132: 136: 140 : 144 for voltage, C3, and gain if 'voltage' in header: np.float32(header['voltage']).astype(dtype_f4).tofile(f) if 'C3' in header: np.float32(header['C3']).astype(dtype_f4).tofile(f) if 'gain' in header: np.float32(header['gain']).astype(dtype_f4).tofile(f) # Magic MAP_ indicator that tells us this is in-fact an MRC file f.write(b'MAP ') # Write a machine stamp, '17,17' for big-endian or '68,65' for little # Note that the MRC format doesn't indicate the endianness of the endian # identifier... if endchar == '<': f.write(struct.pack(b'BB', 68, 65)) else: f.write(struct.pack(b'BB', 17, 17)) # Write b'MRCZ<version>' into labels f.write(struct.pack(b'i', 1)) # We have one label f.write(b'MRCZ' + __version__.encode('ascii')) # Extended header, if meta is not None if isinstance(header['meta'], dict): jsonMeta = json.dumps(header['meta'], default=_defaultMetaSerialize).encode('utf-8') jsonLen = len(jsonMeta) # Length of extended header f.write(struct.pack(endchar+'i', jsonLen)) # 4-byte char ID string of extended metadata type f.write(b'json') # Go to the extended header f.write( jsonMeta ) return jsonLen # No extended header return 0
[docs]def asyncReadMRC(*args, **kwargs): ''' Calls `readMRC` in a separate thread and executes it in the background. Parameters ---------- Valid arguments are as for `readMRC()`. Returns ------- future A ``concurrent.futures.Future()`` object. Calling ``future.result()`` will halt until the read is finished and returns the image and meta-data as per a normal call to `readMRC`. Example ------- worker = asyncReadMRC( 'someones_file.mrc' ) # Do some work mrcImage, mrcMeta = worker.result() ''' return _asyncExecutor.submit(readMRC, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def asyncWriteMRC(*args, **kwargs): ''' Calls `writeMRC` in a seperate thread and executes it in the background. Parameters ---------- Valid arguments are as for `writeMRC()`. Returns ------- future A ``concurrent.futures.Future`` object. If needed, you can call ``future.result()`` to wait for the write to finish, or check with ``future.done()``. Most of the time you can ignore the return and let the system write unmonitored. An exception would be if you need to pass in the output to a subprocess. Example ------- worker = asyncWriteMRC( npImageData, 'my_mrcfile.mrc' ) # Do some work if not worker.done(): time.sleep(0.001) # File is written to disk ''' return _asyncExecutor.submit(writeMRC, *args, **kwargs)